Dwarf Puffers


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Because for their size they can be quite aggressive to each other....when I had them, one grabbed ahold of another and shook it like a dog shakes a toy. So a bigger tank helps spread out territories/aggression. I agree with Igor, I wouldn't do anything less then 3 in a 10 gal.

Also Dwarf Puffers :: Index has lots of DP info. One of the things I noted while keeping them is it's very hard to get them to accept any prepared food other then frozen bloodworms. They usually will eat livefoods such as snails and live worms.

And no I wouldn't keep them w/ mollies either...they require different water. I kept mine with ottos.


Small Fish
Apr 23, 2006
I'm thinking that they might be refering to the mollys liking salt in their water?? (mine do well without salt)
I know that the dwarf puffer does not need salt.

mine did well with frozen blood worms then I started feeding her frozen brine shrimp, now she almost wont touch the bloodworms she will just wait for the shrimp. I suppose it is easier to cut up anyways:)
Of course she gets the snails too, she loves them!!

I would'nt put mine with my mollys only becouse I think that my dp is so calm they would bother her.

What a personality they have!!!

My tank has alot of plants in it and i think that makes a big difference.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I would gander that because mollies nowadays aren't wild caught - most of the fish available for sale are tank bred and many, many generations before them in their lineage have been tank bred in FW conditions - that they do ok in FW as well. Although they are quite content in brackish.