Dwarf puffers


Large Fish
Jun 11, 2008
I'm thinking of what to add to my 30g tank. What I've got in it is listed in my sig. I was wondering about dwarf puffers because I want to control the snails in my tank. I don't know if they're to blame, but my crypts have giant holes appearing overnight. Sometimes I go in there and manually pull out about 40 snails. Is it better to use a puffer or constantly pull them out myself, assuming that it is the snails eating my crypts?


Large Fish
May 22, 2009
Las Vegas
i have had mine for over 5 months now and have always kept them with other fish, not too long ago i had them in a 20 gallon with 3 adult mollies and all of their fry with no problem they didnt bother anybody i also used to drop pond snails and at first they did pick at them but now they just ignore them but i think thats because i keep them well feed now i keep them in a 35 gallon with 4 lyretail mollies and 3 swordtails (one is male) a dwarf gourami a pecock eel and tiretrack eel and they just mind thier own business. so i think if you wana give them a try do so just be prepared to separate them if things dont go acording to plan but i think if you keep them well feed provide a few hiding spots i think you wont have any problems. all of my lyretail mollies have full tails same thing with my male swordtail.

Feb 27, 2009
I, too, had good luck with a single dwarf puffer in a community tank. He lived with 6 golden barbs, 3 guppies, 5 cory cats and 3 otos, all in a 29gallon planted tank. He never bothered any fish, no nipped fins, no 'eyeballs missing' as I've heard from others. Perhaps it depends on the temperament of the individual fish. He lived with all of the above for almost 3 years with no issues. I did have another tank to move him to incase there were problems, but it was never needed.

I agree with no.1chuy, try it out and just be prepared to seperate them if it doesn't work out right.


Medium Fish
Aug 20, 2009

I have also kept puffers and, frankly, they are a terrible idea, especially for a fairly new aquarist. To do them justice, the water has to be of very good quality and space requirements have to be kept in mind. Additionally, puffers are not good to mix with slow-moving or long-finned species.

Of course I do not mean that you cannot keep them at all, but please be aware of the dangers. Some more suitable options for snail removal may include loaches or simply using the lettuce-leaf trick (leave a blanched lettuce leaf in the tank overnight and remove it in the morning before light enters the tank).


Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
if you are going to do loaches for that small of a tank you will want to get botia striata or yoyo/lochata botia loaches. there are lots of loaches that dont eat snails. there are others that get up to 12" and loaches need to be kept at minimum of 3 as they are schooling fish but some people do fine with 2.

i love my yoyo loaches. they are fun to watch, have lots of personality, and im noticing barely any snails anymore.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
i would also lean more towards getting loaches as they should be fine with your other fish and even though they are kinda pricey so are puffers. and if you get a puffer and it doesnt work out there is money down the drain. i would definitely get loaches over the puffer as ive had a figure 8 puffer in the past and man was he a fin nipper and tormentor. just my 2 cents worth. not saying though that you cant get away with the puffer being fine in their just taking the more cost effective and snail control way. plus botia loaches are good for your plants.

just do some reading up and do your research first before you commit. i along with many others can say that not doing your research or knowing what you are getting yourself into can be very pricey and you just throw money down the drain.

Feb 27, 2009
A figure 8 puffer is a far cry different from a dwarf freshwater puffer, just my opinion.

Overfeeding causes a snail population explosion. Cut back on feedings and take out all you find and soon you will not see them anymore.

Oct 26, 2004
Visit site
I'm chiming in on this thread because I'm looking to start a new tank setup. I have done a lot of research and after 4 years of typical community tank setups, I'm looking to do a species tank. I really like Dwarf Puffers and even had a few in the past (who did get along with most of my fish in a more aggressive environment). I understand the concern of puffer aggression and I have alternate plans for all of my fish in the 30 gal setup if needed. The tank is set up with quite a few caves and fake plants (I'm looking to add a few more since I have the extra height and a lot of open space in the top half of the tank). Can someone suggest how many puffers I can have in a 30 gal? My other fish are in my profile and I would like to keep the cleaners if possible. I know they need some more space than community fish but I'm trying to figure out a good number so everyone is comfortable and the puffers have space. Also - any suggestions on setups of tanks for live food for them. I'm looking to put snails in a 1 gal for some food options but is there anything else I can put together to provide me with constant live food for the little guys? Thanks!​


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2009
I recently started a tank with dwarf puffers. It's a bad idea to try them with anything else. If you want a bottom feeder, try ghost shrimp. They're cheap and if the puffers eat them then they get a meal and you know that they're too aggressive to have otos.

@lustrouseyes: I wouldn't suggest adding any of those fish with puffers. Unless the puffers have more than enough food in their bellies they will most likely kill those fish. even if they have plenty of food they might kill the others because of their nature. If you want to keep puffers than get another tank for them. They should be fine with five or more gallons per fish. And for food I feed mine snails and live blackworms. for more information try dwarfpuffers.com