Dwarf Zebra Lionfish


New Fish
Aug 1, 2010
I have had my dwarf zebra lionfish for 2 weeks in my quarentine tank. The water quality is good with 0 ammonia, o nitrite but does have 40ppm nitrate. The fish was doing good but is now staying at the filter and will not go after the glass shrimp that i put in the tank for food. Im not shure if i am doing anything wrong. It was swimming around the tank 2 days ago. any suggestions. Thanks


New Fish
Aug 1, 2010
The quarentine tank is 10 gallon and it was 2 inches. I found him this morning floating at the top. I have an air stone in the tank and a small filter. The ammonia is 0, nitrite, 0 and nitrate 20. salinity 32ppm and temp 80F. I have had the fish for 2 weeks. and it did eat last sunday. I am at a loss. I didn't see any signs of disease.

I was hoping to get him to eat frozen before putting it in my main 55 gallon tank.