Dyed betta?

Are betta's ever dyed? My Elmo is a multi colored and his head is getting a bit mottled, and it almost looks like his color is coming off...down to pink...but that might just be his coloring. I will try to post a pic later today to show what I mean.

He's not sicky or anything, its only on his head, his tail is still fully colored.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sometimes changes in coloring can be from stress...has your temperature been changing a lot recently or have you changed food?

I dont think I've ever heard of a betta being colored...but they do it to every other fish I suppose its possible??

Leopardess - Thanks! Tie-dye is a good description...that's what he looks like.

FroggyFox - I think he's changing to his unstressed color. I've only had him for a week, so his food and water are "different" I'm feeding him Hikari Betta Bio-Gold, and he LOVES it...I do think this guy could eat himself to death if given the chance. He's a sassy guy. I got him from petsmart and he was in the bottom middle container of a pile of bettas and he was just flaring his heart out...he's the most audacious of any of my three.

Thanks for the info guys! (sorry about the double post, my 'puter was misbehaving yesterday!)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
wow...talk about colorful :) How could people dye fish when there are ones with such beautiful coloring naturally...it is just beyond me.

No worries...the double stuff happens from time to time :) MFT has been slow and driving me crazy every morning!