Dying fish

Jan 5, 2005
N.London, UK
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Okay, 30litre cycled tank with 4 goldfish, two shubunkins, a comet and a gold, the other gold dies a week ago after behaving very strangely for a few days... Now our biggest fish, Captain Bubbles, the comet is behaving very strangely too, he hasn't been that interested in food for the last few days, he eats a little but then seems to ignore the flakes, even when they float by his face. He was hiding at the back of the tank yesterday, but he seems to 'sleep' there usually, so I didn't take much notice, but since I've been at college today he's gone very downhill :(

My girlfriend notcied something when he started spinning about, like barrel rolls, and seems to get stuck in the fake plant. When I got back he was just lying in the leaves, so I moved the bit near his head and he started swimming about. Kind of anyway. He has trouble swimming upright, he keeps flopping to his side or upside down, and then does backflips and swims about like a dolphin. At the moment he's swimming upside down a little at the time and then falls to the floor. He 'lies' in a c shape, his tail is touching the ground but his body is arched away from the ground.

He's moving around a lot more than the last fish did, that one was pretty much just lying on the gravel.

Is there anything we could do? Medicines aren't much of an option, least not for today, the nearest place doesn't sell anything great... Just tested the levels and the ammonia and nitrite show up a little, but no more than 0.1 if anything. Should I do a water change?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
A water change is always a good place to start. Some fish sicknesses stem from poor water quality (like too high nitrates from not enough water changes etc) so if you make sure your water quality is good, thats the first step. I'm sorry I don't know much about goldies, but hopefully someone else will pipe up.

What temperature do you keep your tank at? has it been stable?

Last edited:
Jan 5, 2005
N.London, UK
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Hey, thanks, I'll try doing a water change and see if he perks up at all.

The temp is room temperature I guess, there's no reason why it should be any different at other times, it's out of the sunlight and pretty far from the nearest radiator...

He just floated to the top, in his c shape and then spazzed out and darted towards the bottom :( I don't think he's going to live...

But what's the best thing to do if he isn't? Do I wait for him to die, or euthanisia? I flushed the last fish down the toilet when he was hardly moving at all, probably not the best thing to do I realise...

Help? :(


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I hope this is not the problem...but here is some infor.

Fish may show any unusual symptoms. This should be only offered as a diagnosis after all other possibilities have been ruled out. Erratic, jerky swimming or spinning are common signs of brain damage. Brain damage can be caused by parasites, bruising (concussion), high or low temperatures, or toxins.

more at this site http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfshdisart.htm

Jan 5, 2005
N.London, UK
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Mmm, clover oil, don't have any of that unfortunately... And yes, the ammonia and nitrites and low, 0.1 at most. Have done a 25% water change earlier, but he seems a lost cause :( At the moment he's in his c shape resting his middle against the underside of the filter. I put a little food in and he didn't even move. His breathing is not normal either, his gills stop moving for a little and then his breathing and very shallow.

Freezer? Or should I see it out and see if he improves?