Eclipse 3 System Questions


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi all, after reviewing the Betta/Gourami discussions, I've decided to buy a Eclipse 3 System for my betta to call home, All/many of the threads suggested a larger tank with heat/light/filtration instead of the traditional "bowl" I have her in now. (I'm going to leave my other betta in my 10g with my danios).

You may wonder why this post isn't in the betta/gourami discussions....Well I want to cycle this new tank with fish as opposed to the ammonia method, so I was wondering what fish I should get and how many will be needed to cycle the tank, and when completed should those fish be removed or left with the betta.

I was thinking maybe 2-3 danios would work, and then when it's cycled, I could put them with my other danios in my 10g, I had planned on only having the betta in there afterwards, but suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Feeder guppies are a cool & expendable, after cycling do I leave them in there for the betta to "play" with, or remove and put them someplace else?
Mahamotorworks said:
I would go for a smaller fish. If you want the danios any way get 2 a 3g is kinda small for them. I cycled my 75G with feeder guppies.



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
To be perfectly honest, I'm a little intimidated with the whole, ammonia cycling (fishless), seems like there's so much for me to goof up.

I do understand what your saying though, it seems a little cruel to the fish to cycle with them, however I find myself wondering if the brine shirmp or any other live food understand why they're being "sacrificed" to the fish gods everytime we dump them in our for thought
Lotus said:
Why not do a fishless cycle?

It's like saying that you want to send your kids to work in a uranium mine... you know it will make them sick and shorten their lives, so why make that choice?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I don't think any life is "expendable." Fishlessly cycling is so darn easy, it's silly NOT to do it. PLUS, if you have an established tank, you can simply "seed" the new tank from that one! Any ornaments in your established tank will have bacteria on them, simply plop those in your new tank. OR you can take some of the gravel from your old tank and put that in your new tank, if the gravel is different colors, just put the old gravel in a pantyhose and put that in the tank. Instant cycle! If you want, you could put a couple of your current danios in the tank for a week or two until you're sure levels have evened out, no reason to buy more.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
OK everyone stop hollering at me :eek: I'll dig up some threads and use this book I bought (It has some info on the subject) and I'll try to do a fishless cycle. Updates and hopefully some pics to follow.
MissFishy said:
I don't think any life is "expendable." Fishlessly cycling is so darn easy, it's silly NOT to do it. PLUS, if you have an established tank, you can simply "seed" the new tank from that one! Any ornaments in your established tank will have bacteria on them, simply plop those in your new tank. OR you can take some of the gravel from your old tank and put that in your new tank, if the gravel is different colors, just put the old gravel in a pantyhose and put that in the tank. Instant cycle! If you want, you could put a couple of your current danios in the tank for a week or two until you're sure levels have evened out, no reason to buy more.