Eclipse Tank Questions

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
What's your opinion on Eclipse tanks? If you have one or you don't?

Do you know why they're so much more than a comprable sized tank? (89.99 for 12 gallon vs. 8.99 for a regular 10 gallon glass tank[although that doesn't come with filter, heater, light, etc]).

They say in the information about them that it has extremely good filtering, natural light, clean aesthetic look, and curved front.

Is this tank great at what it does? Is it worth the cash to buy? What are your opinions?

Thanks! :)


The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
IMHO, it's good for beginners to start out with a few fish and some ornamental stuff in the tank. also helps that everything is nicely built into the hood.

it's bad for more advance people or people who want to get into the hobby more cause it's near impossible (it's do-able but requires some modifications) to increase your lighting (to keep plants or whatnot) and the filter (bio-wheel) isn't really suitable for a planted tank.

i've owned 3 eclipse systems (eclipse6, eclipse II, eclipse III). i bought them initially cause i was attractive to the thought of it being an "all-in-one" system. but as i got more into the hobby, i found it somewhat constricting.



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have an Eclipse system six and I love it! It is a very small volume tank, there is not a whole lot a beginner would be able to do with it, but I enjoy the micro/nano evironment aspect of the hobby and have been very successful with my Eclipse six.

The Eclipse systems are probably so expensive because they are very well made. Marineland is one of the premire companies in the aquatic industry, their equimpment is nothing but top notch. Of course you are going to pay more for quality stuff. Along with such great equipment, you are getting awsome customer service. Call their 1-800 service number or visit their website, they are great people to help work out kinks with.

A regular ten gallon tank set up will cost you, all told, approximately $100 to $150 US dollars once you buy all the equimpent for it (that's not including fish). Again, if you buy the cheap crap, it will cost less, but you are getting what you pay for. Many people like the cheaper filters, I personally do not feel I get the same effiecy or life-expectancy out of them.

The only disadvantage to an Eclipse hood that I have heard others complain about is the lighting aspect. Those who wish to grow aquatic plants usually have to do some DYI retrofitting in order to get the proper lights for good growth.

Good luck and have fun.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
I have an eclipse 1 system on a 12 gallon. It was my first tank, and still my favorite. I also have an eclipse 3 gallon tank, that, was used as a nano, but, switched it over to freshwater planted. I've never found a plant that won't grow under an eclipse hood, quite the opposite actually, all of mine have thrived under it (bio-wheel still in, but, I lost the premade filters) The system one, and the 3 gallon both have over 2 wpg so, it's not like there really laking for light...

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
Thanks everyone! your information helped!

I already have a 10 gallon 'ghetto' set cost me about 100 dollars with fish, and its working well...its been up for about 4 months now.

I just needed info on the eclipses to see if I wanted one in addition to my 10, because I do think they look asthetically really nice. Thanks for the help and information!

oh, and what does IMHO mean?

Thanks again ya'll!

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
I also have (had?) a system six, I think you should get one just for the heck of it. I got mine on sale at a lfs for $50 or so, and I mean, you don't have to buy anything else for it...and you really can't beat that pretty curved front :)