Eclipse three system

Jan 15, 2004
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I was interested in starting a reef tank

At my lfs they have the 29 gallon eclipse three system with salt, heater,test kit, and a hydrometer for $200 (very good price)

I was wondering if this would be a good starting reef tank

And if it is I want a protien skimmer but dont know wher to put it i guese i could cut the back (dont really want to cut it)

My tanks:

10 gallon: 3 long finned danios(one fry others died :( ), a tigerbarb, 2 neon blue dwarf gouramis, a small(for now) pleco

2 gallon hex: a chichled(cant spell) injured, keeping for a friend

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Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Well, to start with The Eclipse hood is not a very good hood to start with for saltwater, let alone a reef. It comes with only two 4035K fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs encourage the growth of nuisance algaes that will quickly cover any coral. I personally would gut out the the whole hood and put two 50/50 (half actinic and half 10000K) 65 watt compact fluorescent bulbs in. Yes you will definitly need a protien skimmer. I really like the Aqua remora, and CPR Backpacks. Also you didn't mention it, but you will need live rock. Start with about 1lbs per gallon. If you are just starting out, I would stop everything and buy MIke Paletta's book The New Marine Aquarium. It goes over everything that I have outlined and gives good recommendations on fish and equiptment.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine System
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
'the bigger the better' applies for SW tanks. my 30g is kind of unstable...i'd go with a bigger tank.

the LFS messed around with my girlfriend and sister's minds when they were buying me my tank for my birthday. i almost got a 55g, but i got a 29g eclipse instead. the hood is literally useless for anything but a FO tank.

instead of a protein skimmer...have you ever thought of setting up a refugium with mangroves and a DSB with some LR instead? it may cost the same, if not then a little more...but it looks a heck of a lot cooler.

S.Reef is right...before you go out and buy ANYthing, read first. pack as much knowledge into your head as possible. search the web for different forums. ask questions there. but please read as much as you can.

and if one little thing goes wrong, don't scrap the whole SW's an amazing thing to watch a coral flowing in the water or watching your fish swim in and out of the rock work. it's better than the TV will ever be. no commercials. lol


Jan 15, 2004
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is the red sea prizm protien skimmer all right for a 30 gallon or should i go with a better more expensive one cause i can get the prizm at my lfs, and to get better bulbs do i need a better lighting system or just the bulbs? how could i even fit the protien skimmer on that with the hood?
is the filter that comes in the hood any good? cause i heard it doese a pretty good job of cleaning the water

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Jan 15, 2004
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i decided to ditch the whole eclipse system and do a 50 gallon with the amiracle HOB wet dry system that comes with a venturi protien skimmer
my only question is if this lighting is adequate for a 50 gallon


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Nice, a 50 gallon is a really nice tank to start with. Depending on the dimensions, four foot shoplights are perfect. FOWLR about 2 watts per gallon, and for a reef about 3-5 watts per gallon. Again get actinic and 10000K bulbs.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine System
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Oh, by the way, very nice filter.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine System
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium