Eels for a beginner?

I've got a buddy in my calculus class that just bought a 10 gallon tank. He got a few fish and is now (unbeknonce to him) cycling the tank with them. Actually I told him he shouldn't have got the fish yet but its been 2 weeks and he hasn't lost any fish yet. He's only just reaching an ammonia peak so theres plenty of time left for him to kill the fish, but at least he's got a test kit an is paying attention to such things.
Anyway, he decided he really likes having fish and wants to get a bigger tank. He also wants an eel. He asked me where he should go to buy a tank and how much he should expect to pay. He read something that said he should expect to pay about $1 per gallon of tank. Is this realistic or is it outdated advice? Its been awhile since I have purchased a tank new, so I couldn't help in that department very much. He says he wants a tank around 40 gallons and an eel that will do well in that size tank. Ok, so please answer these questions for me:
  1. How much should he expect to pay for a 40 gallon tank?
  2. What kind of eel can live in a 40 gallon tank?
  3. What kind of eel is appropriate for a beginning aquararist?

Oct 22, 2002
Northern VA
I don't know much about the prices of the tanks but I do know something about eels.

I have a 55g (freshwater) with a black spotted eel in it. It is actually quite smart compared to my Snowflake eel in my saltwater. The black spotted eel is really easy to keep. I wouldn't suggest live plants though. He digs himself into the substrate alot but most of the time he just stays in his cave and pokes his head out. I don't feed him as much as my other fish (about twice a week) but he gets silversides or if i have time, i'll stop by the lfs and get some live food for him. Haven't had any luck w/ him eating frozen brine shrimp....he does like to play w/ cichlid pellets though, but ends up losing them to the cichlids. Not aggressive at all to any of the fish...big or small

The snowflake eel in my saltwater is totally different. He is a recommended eel for a beginner BUT...
- has to be hand fed (tweezers) b/c he's pretty much blind
- grows alot faster than the freshwater one. When I bought him, he was as round as a pencil and now he's like 2 1/2 in round. Big difference in 6 months.
- when it's feeding time, he occasionaly grabs one of teh fish, but lets go when he realizes he can't fit it in the mouth. Doesn't happen much anymore now that he's settled in the tank.
-But, he is much better to look at than the black spotted one. He is in and out of the liverock all the time and is the main attraction on my reef tank.

If you have any specific questions, just let me know...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
there are brackish snowflake morays too, brackish are easy to take care of just like fresh with a bit of salt

as for price my 55 cost me 160 for tank and stand, you may be able to get a 40 for around a 100 look in the classifieds maybe even cheaper, this doesnt include filter,heater,gravel and decorations though


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
i had an eel once. he was an escape artist. one mourning i woke up and heard something splashing in my filter opend it up and there he was. he was a peacock eal and he was very cool but always trying to get out. $164.93 for a 38 gallon oak setup that includes the hood light stand and tank. at pet supplies plus. but would just go to walmart and check out a 55 gallon. i bought my 55 used for 20 bucks.