Eggs Hatched!!!!!!


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
Wow, am I excited. I was going to do a water change in my daughter's 16 gal last week and noticed a whole bunch of eggs stuck to the glass, the filter intakes etc. Since the only paired fish in the tank are neons and the 2 cory's, I figured the cory's were to blame. I managed to scrape off some eggs and put them in a net fry breeder. It took about a week for them to hatch, but at least 10 are in the breeder net. Very cool.*thumbsups


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
They are just regular bronze cories. There were actually a good deal more eggs that we didn't rescue. When I noticed that the numbers were dwindling, I got out the net breeder to see what would happen. At first I thought they weren't going to hatch as some of them looked fuzzy, and it took longer than I had heard it is supposed to, but by gosh if some of them didn't make it.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
They are doing great so far. Hard to get an accurate count in the net fry cage, but I think there are 12+ in there. They seem to be getting bigger. I have been feeding them finely crushed flake and some tiny pieces of bottom feeder wafers. Suggestions on food for them appreciated.

I have change my routine on this tank since the hatching. I used to do a 30% WC about every 4-5 days. Now doing about 15% daily. That sound about right?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sounds good to me :) Only fry I've ever had are livebearers though so not real sure on the food. I figure if you still have that many alive after a week you must be doing something right? I think one thing common with all fry is that water quality is super making sure you do more water changes is good, but not big enough water changes to upset the chemistry of the tank a whole lot. The only way you could do anything better would probably be to get them their own tank...but hey if they're doing well might as well keep up what you're doing :)

oh, btw, I think they make some fry food specific for egg laying might check when you're in the store. You just have to be careful how much you feed because they dont eat a whole lot and those tiny particles will foul your water faster than leftover food from the rest of the fish in the tank. Feeding tiny amounts often is good.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
Just an update. I have counted up to 15 of the buggers in the fry net (I think). Seem to be doing well. Even starting to look like baby catfish now instead of just tadpoles. I'm a little concerned with the size variations though. Some are really growing, and a few of them are still pretty small.