My review
It is indeed. I also have an old 2013 midel that is so much more complicated, noisy, and harder to prime. Also my lfs was charching around $170 for the pump without any media. I also found it online for that price. However by e-bay i got it for like 152 plus the media which is what brought me up there. Now for my review.
The pump as a whole may be way to expensive. Thats the first thing i noticed. Overall though its very nice. If you can find it nnow for cheap id say pounce on the deal. Cheap these days might be 170 w/media. I myself couldnt find it at that price. Also service in the us is pretty much impossible. In the US the closest service center seems to be canada. Quebec to be exact. Id really like the flow to be alot faster. It doesnt seem fit for a 90 gallon tank. With all the media in it and all it seems comparable to my eheim 2013 running at its best. However with all the extra media in there and the fact that it can be slowed if you need it , and the priming, and especially the shutoff valves. I need those because rather than needing my father to help me(2013) i can do it myself with virtually no water spillage. Now for if you should get it. If you can spend the extra money go for it. Its worth it so far. As far as the fact that the service center is so far away, so, big deal. Chances are it wont need fixing. Besides another excuse for a family vacation write, LETS GO TO CANADA!!!! I do have one warning though, i had to perform construction one it. The hoses were not designed to work. I had to cut, and glue intake pipes and outake pipes. Its designed to go on the side of the glass and shoot out. But my tank isnt wide enough so we ended up putting it horixontal on the back. Thats one of the only bad things. Ill be back in a few days and update everyone, especially on if it makes a difference in actual water quality with a fairly heavy bio-load. Im using 1 liter ehfimich two liters ehfisubstrat the pads and also a carbon pad i stuffed in there. Two liters of the ehfisubstrat may be to much though. 1.5 might be good if you can find it. For me though i had to scoop some out to fit the pads and carbon pad. It maay be because of the carbon pad though. In a few weeks i'll find out. Take it out put in the saved ehfisubstrat , let you know then to. All told i think its worth it. For maybe a 55 gallon or 60 gallon tank. I personally dont think it gives you enough water movement for something bigger.
Take care to everyone out there in fishy land