Eheim 2028

Oct 16, 2003
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I've recently purchased and started using the Eheim 2028 filter (about two months now). I've got a 55gal FW with an oscar, jack dempsey, 2 tinfoils and a pleco. All fish are at least 6 inches, with the oscar on top at 8 inches. Previously I was using an AquaClear 300 and an AquaClear 500. Heard so many good things about the Eheim that I had to switch.

Anyway... I'm getting a bit confused on what I need to change and what I need to keep in the filter during maintenance. Which filter medium do I replace and what gets just washed out? The kit I purchased came with starter medium. And, I've been tol there should be a carbon pad, but it didn't come with what I got. I got just the white pad. Should I be adding a carbon pad in there?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
ditch the carbon pad, it is not needed.

i used this configuration in my eheim 2028 from bottom to top:

bottom basket- noodles(effimech), coarse pad(blue pad)

middle basket- fine pad, legos (effisubstrat is you wish)

top basket- legos (effisubstrat if you wish), fine pad

the reason i use a fine pad at the bottom of the middle basket is to keep particles from clogging the pores of the bio-media. this greatly increases the life of the bio-media IMO, plus there is a lot less to clean this way.

Oct 16, 2003
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Thanks for your quick reply. Out of the setup you listed, whenever you do the filter maintenance, what is it that's being replaced and/or just cleaned? And, for the non-replaced items, how detailed a cleaning should I be doing?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
With canisters you generally don't wash or replace anything, you just rinse it in a bucket of aquarium water.
if you choose to use filter floss on top (the last stage of filtration) you can rinse this every two weeks under tap water to keep your water clearer. it will clog up very fast. I dont use it

so how do you find the 2028 works compared to the 300 and the 500. I assume you dont use the 300 and the 500 anymore.

Oct 16, 2003
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The two AquaClears were, IMO, more than sufficient for me. I actually sprang for two 500's, but a friend needed a larger filter for his 55 so I gave him one of my 500's and replaced it with a 300. The combination worked real well.

But, the Eheim... oh how I love this thing. For one, its dead quiet. The AquaClears were nice, but you always heard that water cycling through back to the tank. And, being that the tank is close to the bedroom it sometimes became annoying at night.

Honestly... I always wanted the Eheim, but when I started the hobby it was too pricey for me. So, I settled on the AquaClears, which I got at a reduced price. The only reason I was forced to switch now was because every 2 weeks the AquaClear medium would become saturated and start pushing the top cover off, eventually having the water kick out a litte... a little, but a "stead stream" of a little. And, one day I came home to smell heavy smoke and realize that the water was dripping onto my electrical strip. Needled to say, I taped the covers shut, and started looking into the Eheim.

Switched now, and have no regrets... but, I do say that the AquaClears were very good filters for my own use.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
This is true... about the 55 being a bit small. which is why I enquired whether or not you were using the big aquaclear for mechanical filtration regardless of the fact it backs up. (which is a good thing. it's filtering the water really good. it clogs up).
maybe it is worth the extra work cleaning it every 2 weeks.

anyway. my 2026 is excellent. I should have more filtration on my 110. *shrugs*. if it ain't broken dont fix it.

As a footnote the Filstar Xp4 is very strong competition for the Eheim 2028.

Oct 16, 2003
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If you're going by the book, yes the tank is small for the residents. But, the fish seem happy, there's no territorial issues causing attacks and injuries, and the waste production is being easy handled by the filters. Actually, when my AQ500 was down for about week, I had the AQ300 working on its own, and it did a fine job. I just usually tend to overdo it when it comes to working on the tank... reason I had the 500 and 300, as well as the reason having a 2028 as opposed to one of the smaller ones for the 55gal.

On a side note, there's a good variation of rocks in the tank to prevent the fish from jousting. And, I change a third of the water weekly.