Eheim 2215 or 2217?


Large Fish
Mar 19, 2005
Ok. Got some $ for my birthday so it's time to get a filter for my new 50gal tank.

I'm goint to drop a shoal (15~20) of tiger barbs in as well as a rapidly growing pleco. I may have some "realitivly" pleco resistant plants -java moss, onion plants, or ?. The head is about 3-ish feet.

I've pretty much decided on an Eheim because most reviews and forums say that they are the quietest filters out there. Big time important in my living room.

The question is, should I go for the 2215 classic, or spend the measly extra 30 bucks for the big bad 2217? Would the 2217 make too much current. Would that much filtration be stupid overkill for this tank? What if I don't use real plants? Hmmmm?