Eheim Liberty vs Hagan Aquaclear


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2003
Australia Brisbane
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Hi just a couple of questions,

my tank: 20Gallon tropical

Which is better the Eheim Liberty or Hagan Aquaclear series? (particulary AquaClr Mini/150 & Eheim Liberty 100)

The Liberty

Hagan Aquaclear Mini

Also, I want to get my plants to grow like crazy and look fantastic, is Seachem, Flourish Liquid & Seachem, Flourish Liquid, Iron Formula enough to get the plants going good?

Thanks, i'd love to hear what you think.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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as far as the filters go, id go with the Acquaclear 150, proven filters, Eheim makes good canisters but not much has been said for their powerfilters. Acquaclears are cheap, cheap media, no need to replace the sponges, just rinse in tank water, u can choose to run anything u want in them, carbon or not, 3 sponges, or get a media bag like i do for $2, and put biomax, lava rock, peat moss, whatever suits ur taste. HTH


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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Definitly go with an Aquaclear, the Ehiems are only good for like a really really really small bioload, plus they overflow and clog.

But I would probably suggest going with the AC 200 instead of the 150, it is a couple bucks more, but you dont ever have to do maintenance on the thing. Go with overfiltration unless you are putting in a calm water fish that cant stand currents.


Large Fish
Feb 20, 2003
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I like the aquaclear 150-200 aswell. I use an AC150 on my 20 gal planted.

To get your plants growing crazy and looking fantastic, fertilizing should be 3rd on your list for healthy plant growth. First would be getting enought lighting (~2 watts/gallon or better). Second will be adding some form of co2 (DIY sugar/yeast, pressurized or Seachem excell). If you get these 2 going, than you should start messing with fertilizers.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
well as far as both filters go i have seen the design of th liberty and it doesn't compar to the aquaclear.what fish do you have?because with the aquaclear even if the 200 i too much to can turn it down and it will still filter 200 gph and produce less of a current.aquaclears are great filters.


Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Aquaclear. Nice, dependable and quiet. Catfishmake is right, you can turn the current down. I have a 200 on my 26 gallon, it's not too agressive even when on all the way. The only thing is that if the tank is where you sleep, reducing the flow makes the lid rattle a bit on mine.

Something to consider is that the ratings may not be accurate, as in some companies test with clean media (or worse, none), so a 150 may be weaker than you think.

What do you mean too much current. I strapped on an aquaclear 300 to my 24 gallon hex and it works great, dont need to turn it down or anything. Keeps everything crystal clear and all the fish exersized (sp?). I stuck gouramis in there for a while and they did fine. It might be a little overkill economically but I would definately consider it. More filtration is always better. Definately use aquaclears as far as HOB's go, they're by far the best.


New Fish
Jun 22, 2003
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I have used both filters and currently the Eheim Liberty 200 has replaced my aquaclear. The aquaclear is a good filter, but I was always bothered by the cheap plastic it was made out of and i actually broke the flow adjustment to the point where it was real hard to get a good flow out of it. Also the aquaclear does not restart itself if the power goes out. At the recommendation of some people I decided to buy a liberty to replace it. So far I am happy with it. It seems to be made well and it filtering my tank without a problem so far. I'm sure both are good filters. The clear advantage of the aquaclear is if you like to make your own media since you can just fill the bags. I dont do this so I am fine with the cartridges that the liberty uses. -Rob