elbow room

Feb 23, 2009
York, UK
hey all! does anyone know what size tank rams need to be happy? i ask because i'm giving away my female guppies from my breeder tank and wondered about replacing them with these gorgeous rams i saw in my LFS (i think they were bolivian rams but i'm not 100% sure:confused:) i'm not definite how many gallons my tank is as it's quite a weird shape but it's not huge so i thought it was best to ask the experts :D


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
I would also submit that if guppies were being successfully bred in the tank, that water parameters would not be suitable for german blue rams or the gold variety. Bolivian rams would work IF tank is at least thirty gal in my view. The german blue rams require very soft,warm water to do well in the long term. Guppies on the other hand do best in basic hard alkaline water.