Electric Blue losin colour

I have an electric blue ahli and when i got him he was about an inch and a very vibrant blue, three months have passed now and he is about 2.5 inches and he is losing alot of the bright blue i loved. His head is still blue but hes fading to a greyish colour down the rest of his body.

What can I do to stop this and get his colouring back?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1. Check your water parameters, specifically hardness pH
2. Is he being bullied?
3. No females - yes, he'll lose colour as why bother?

Remember neotropical and african cichlids don't mix well as the territorial behaviour is very different, and in this case the ahli is going to lose every time it enters the JD's territory. It hasn't even occurred to theahli to have a territory!

Thats not the case at all the dempsey is about 2.5 3 inches and doesnt even bother with anything in the tank. Its very friendly. But the amazingly great lookin !@^%# Firemouth chases everthing around non stop. I looked last night and it looks like the tail fin may be bit at. The tank is a 4 feet long with lots of caves driftwood and swimming areas. I dont know what else I could do. If there is no female will he lose his color for ever now?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Fort Wayne, IN
he shouldnt be in with american cichlids. Thats probably why he lost his color. Hes getting bullied, so instinct tells them to lose the color and show female color(because africans males will attack other african males).

It could also be that he was hormoned, and now that hes not getting his hormoned food, hes losing his color.

And he wont lose his color because theres no female...thats very untrue. Its possible that he wont show his "maximum" color without a female present.
Heres a pic of my s. fryeri in my ALL MALE AFRICAN tank...