Well i noticed my biowheel not spinning on my 55 cichlid tank so i went to clean the bearings. just so happens last night i clipped one of my fingernails to short so had the super sensitive skin area. felt the electricity when i put it in the water. obviously there is a short so i started unplugging things one at a time to see what it was. well it happened to be 2 things. first was when i unplugged my biowheel. the voltage dropped ALOT. but i was still getting a bit of a tingle on that finger. which btw i could only feel it on that one finger. so i started unplugging things again and it stopped when i unplugged my heater. so one of the filters on the tank was shorting and so was me heater. considering i only felt the voltage with that one spot of thin skin on my finger it makes me wonder how long it has been shorting. and i'm glad it didn't kill all my fish like the one heater shorting did in my 30 gallon and i lost all but one of my brichardi. guess i'm stopping at my lfs tomorrow on my way to work. thankfully i got a spare heater to put in the tank. don't realy need it. my unheated tanks are at 74 but might as well be safe with my cichlids. I've lost the tank once before due to an ice storm in the middle of winter. i had a lab holding eggs/fry (cant tell) and hope that it didn't kill them.