Elepahant Nose Fish

Who has these fish and can just a few be put together? I have a heavily planted 29 gal. and I wanted to keep just a few. Some people tell me that I can and can't. Please enlighten me. It only has 3 Catfish Sharks and 2 Pictus Cats. Don't know if the cats will stay though. And who sells a good, quality selection of these and other fish on the internet cause my sources are limited locally. And does anybody know of like an online freshwater fish encyclopedia? Thanks


Medium Fish
Dec 9, 2002
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You can keep one Elephant nose in a tank that size. You can keep several together, but to be in a group its suggested that you keep at least 6. If you keep any less than that the strongest fish will make the others lives miserable. One should be fine in your tank, make sure he has something to completely hide in, like PVC pipe or a large cave. Just plants wont be sufficient for one of these.


Medium Fish
Nov 29, 2002
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An elephant nose will outgrow a 29 gallon, they can get up to about 14 inches. Its better to keep only one than just a few. By "catfish sharks", do you mean columbian sharks, also known as white tip sharks? If so, they will also outgrow a 29 gallon and need increasingly saltier water as they mature. Pictus cats, depending on what type, may also outgrow the tank. If you live in the states, you could try www.aquariumfish.net to buy fish.

*Edited to add: Elephant noses also like sandy substrates, they probe the sand looking for small foods, mainly worms. If you do get one, youll probably have to feed it things like live black worms, then later you might be able to train it to accept frozen foods. Of all foods, live black worms are probably best, but they can be hard to find and you have to make sure they are good. Things like flakes and pellets wont even register as something to eat to an elephant nose.

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think you'll b fine with an elephant nose in a 29 gallon. The majority of species exported from africa will get to maybe 6 or 8 inches, but occasionally a monser species will creep in.
You should not keep more than one unless you have a vry large tank as they emit a weak electric field to help them look for food, and if you keep more than one they tend to interfere with each other except in BIG tanks. They do not shoal.
Keep them in quesit tanks, not to much light, lots of cover, sandy substrate as above. I don't thinka pictus would be an ideal tankmate, far too active.


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
i think an elephant nose will outgrow a 29 gallon, remember it gets a foot big! thats already at least a half of the length of the tank. you cant keep more than one, as the bigger one will kill the others. i would look into other fish.

I'm just gonna keep them in their till they get too big. Where would I get good tank safe sand? And how would I clean it? Just like gravel? And do I HAVE to feed them black worms? I heard that they'll be fine on frozen or freeze dried foods. But I guess that electric field sense makes sense as far as food. And what about my fish encyclopedia. Thanks ya'll