Ello Fishy Forum!

Jun 23, 2008
Elkton, Maryland
Shoookay, so I am new. *waves* I am Askance, but my real name is Amanda.
I hail from the mysterious wonders of Maryland. I am 17 years old. Um, lets see. I love fish. I've always had fish, whether it be something as simple and elegant as a betta or mollies and swordtails, as well as black moors and, well you get the picture. Um, I am very much into horses. I've been riding since I was 7 and right now I am professional volunteer cross country fence judge for Fair Hill International, which is an eventing organization that holds competitions in the vast property owned in a region North of my town called "Fair Hill", but its actually still Elkton. I plan on actually getting my jockey license soon, that way I can also participate on a track, which is going to be AMAZING. I also ride ATV's and like to get muddy and dirty.
When I am not outside, I like to sing and dance. My major form of dance is bellydancing, but I also do stuff like ballroom, salsa, waltz, breakdancing, and just plain move your body stuff.
My pets that I have are ze fish, 2 potbelly pigs, and 2 dogs- one Chihuahua and a White German Shepherd.
Lets see, oh.. I have a car, she's so cute. Her name is Baby Blue and she's a Kia Spectra. I was supposed to have a Candy Apple Red Ford Mustang Convertible-- Fully Loaded, but I just couldn't scrape enough cash together for it since right now business for my dad is EXTREMELY slow, seeing as he is a professional mover and auctioneer of 23 years. Plus, I already have Baby Blue on top of that which is practically brand new, since I bought her straight off the lot last year.

--I actually found the fish forum the other day when I was doing some searching on nice fish to add with my guppies. I was thinking about doing some Harlequin Rasboras or something of that nature. Then, today I was amazed to find another one of my guppies dead and came back here to see if anyone could help me with that. You all looked pretty nice and knowledgeable, therefore I just might stay and maybe get influenced on some fishy type material.*PEACE!*

Jun 23, 2008
Elkton, Maryland
Ello der! I like yeww already.

Welcome to the tank, You gonna lurrves it here.

Horse eh? Fly up here an meet my friend, you'd get along so well, haha.

Spectra? Kewlio, I got a hot pink VW bug, lollol

OoOo.. hot pink huh? Wow, I bet that's adorable!
Haha, yeah, horses.. they basically make my life. Funny thing is most people would think that I was going to go into equine related sciences, but I am actually going to do anesthesiology. lol.

I feel welcomed here already, plus, I love fishehs sooooo.. I have I feeling I will love it here!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Welcome to MFT!! Feel free to ask any questions you have no matter how stupid you think it might sound. Its what we're here for!! :D:D

It seems like you'll fit in here quite well already :D. Glad to have you aboard.

Hehe. I read the first sentence and thought Adorkable had gotten a second account. :D
Shoookay, so I am new. *waves* I am Askance, but my real name is Amanda.
I hail from the mysterious wonders of Maryland. I am 17 years old.
LOL, your right Kissy, does sound like me... May be why I like her already :D *Strikes a pose*


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Welcome to the Tank Amanda!
Mmmmmmm.........Mustangs. Gotta love'em.
Maryland huh? That sure is some beautiful country. Went there once and i always wanted to go back.
HHmmm.....i guess she does sound a little like you Adorkable.


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Welcome Amanda!! My girls love horses...they have sooooo many toys and books and watch all horse related shows on tv...LOL!!

But I'm a Chevy girl myself...favorite car I ever owned was my white 75 Camaro... ;)