Emaciated fish

Has anyone ever heard of different fish becoming emaciated? It happened to my catfish, I quaranteened him but he never recovered. Then my algea eater did the same. Now one of my neon tetras looks skinny & has bad colors. I've looked in every resource I can find with no results whatsoever. I did discover some very tiny organisms in the water. Dark, very small (under 1/16 of an inch) and darting about quickly. Do I have some sort of parasite in the water? And where can I get help if that is the case?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
try feeding the fish regular food dosed with garlic extract.this will help with parasites and fish who don't want to eat.make sure to follow the instructions on the package.as far as having visible organisims you may want to check the disease database or check a good book.a rough and vauge idea as to killing these organisims would be to try a standard ick cure and hope it is effective on whatever is in there,but only try this if you can't find another way.


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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I lost one of my CAE to Emanciation. He was constantley eating, but getting skinnier and skinnier. I tried to catch him and put him in a hospital tank, but he would not let me net him.

And a customer of mine whos tank i service, has an emancied picasso trigger. the owner feeds the whole tank veggie flakes. She refuses to listen to my advice about feeding stating "I know what my fish like". She really pisses me off.... kinda reminds me of that one lady on animal cops who tried to turn her cats vegetarian.

Sorry cant help anwser your question.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2002
seattle, wa
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Originally posted by catfishmike
try feeding the fish regular food dosed with garlic extract.this will help with parasites and fish who don't want to eat.make sure to follow the instructions on the package.as far as having visible organisims you may want to check the disease database or check a good book.a rough and vauge idea as to killing these organisims would be to try a standard ick cure and hope it is effective on whatever is in there,but only try this if you can't find another way.

catfish, how do you create your garlic flake? Just pour extract into the container?