Emaciated Platy

Apr 9, 2007
I've got an established 55G community tank, water conditions appear excellent (Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 0, pH 7.8) I perform regular 30% water changes every 2 weeks.
I've got about 20 fish, all under 2 inches. Mostly platties, a few zebra danios, 2 female bettas.
1 red wag platy (male) is looking terribly thin - emaciated. He has been hiding near the bottom, then struggling to get to the top. Almost too weak to swim against the modest filter currents (all other fish look healthy, easily swim through minimal currents.)
He is trying to eat - appetite seems normal, but he can barely get to the food before it is gone. Externally, no spots, wounds, fins look normal.
Questions: Is it too late to save him? He's been my wife's favorite fish. If medicine might help him, what kind? I don't want to treat the whole tank, but my quarantine tank is currently occupied with new 3 ottos.
I've got him in a breeder cage to shield him from currents and to give him a shot at food. I'm suspecting an internal parasite. Thoughts?
I don't overfeed. I feed flakes and about twice a week tubifex cubes.
Thanks for any help - this seems to have come on quickly, and I doubt he will make it more than a day or two.
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