Emerald Serpent Star

Jul 26, 2005
Hey tank,

I bought an Emerald Serpent Star a year ago and a couple months ago it started to loose its arms. Not sure why... The arms don't seem to regenerate into a new star. One of the legs is forming a new tip but not growing. Think it is sick? Could have the arms been injured so they split off at the injury? Not sure what to think about it. Any opinions on what is happing?

Happy 2006 Salties

here is a pic of one

Last edited:
Jul 26, 2005
That is what I figured. I will have to get a test kit and start doing more water changes once I figure out where the tank is at. I know I need more LR so I will have to stop at the LFS for some tonight. I only have about 20 pounds in there right now. Could add another 30 most likely. Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the help dbacksrat! *thumbsups


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
I have a red serpent and it once lost half of one of its legs. It eventually grew back but I'm not sure why it happened in the first place. My params are always real good. If you are losing several legs maybe something is missing in your chemistry but who knows what that might be.