Emergency plans...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey, with the earthquake Josh just experienced, and all the discussion I'm having at class about what people do with their pets in a diaster type situation, I figured might as well broach the topic here to see what the feedback might be.

Do any of you at all have emergency plans set up for your fish tanks? Either for say, mechanical failure of the filter or power outage all the way to evacuation.

I mean, when I lived in the Florida Keys, espeically during hurricane season, I had to be read to evacuate at a moment's notice. I lived with a suitcase in the trunk of my car, and had family in Daytona forewarned that I may show up on their doorstep unannoucned.  Thankfully we never had to evacuate, even during hurricanes Floyd and Irene.

One of my professors is a president of VMAT, the Veternary Medical Association Team, which is a response team to help during diasters. They were the vets and vet techs that took care of all the search and rescue dogs during 9/11. Ever since then, we've had nothing but class discussion about educating people about their need to evacuate with their pets, and how triage organization and such. Cats and dogs are easy, you can just throw them in the car and go.

But what about that $3000 reef tank you spent your life's work and savings on? Or those pair of prize guppies?

Any ideas anyone?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Good idea for a thread.

I have not set up my latest (biggest) tank yet, but I will be getting a UPS.  I think it will be the same as the one on my computer - a Belkin.  This model also has a battery backup so not only does it protect the equipment from a power surge - it also can supply enough current to continue powering the system for 30 minutes or an hour (can't remember)  With that grace period I think I would have time to at least evacuate my fish to buckets in order to take them with me.  And I do have buckets!  Many of those big 5 gallon ones that are only used for fishies.  Husband was sure I was crazy when I came home with those...