Emmanuel's Bettas


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yellow Veil Tail Betta with red markings on tail.
One of the two from PetSmart on Friday. He will be residing in my 10g tank. I'm going to go catch some Cherry shrimp from my 20 in a while. I'm thinking either rasboras, or some of the green neon tetras from my 100g for tankmates.



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
The other one I got from PetSmart is an all yellow veil tail. I have him in the 29g that's supposed to be a sorority tank until I can figure out where to put him. He's still getting used to being in the tank, so he won't come out of hiding.

The third is one that I got earlier in the year. He's a red crowntail. He's in a temp 5 gallon tank, until I can rescape my 20 and put him in there with the cherry shrimp.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
:) Thanks.
I can't get him to stop flaring at himself though. He catches a reflection of himself on the walls, and flares constantly.
I the other betta still spends his time hiding, he came out for a bit last night, once the lights went off.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Man those two bettas are gorgeous!
:D, Thanks. I literally looked at every single male betta PetSmart had. These were amongst the last batch I looked at.

Umm 15-25 sounds pretty reasonable. Add LOTS of hiding places to prevent fighting.
Oh, OK. I thought 5 would've been my threshold. I'm going to leave PetSmart without any female bettas. :eek: It's for the best, I suppose. There's tons of hiding places already, and once the tank grows in even more, there'll be even more places to hide.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yeah a bunch of females would be pretty cool. But I can pet my male betta! He comes to the surface when you put your fingers in and you can pet him... haha
The first one, whom I called Pastel, since he is pastel colored, likes to flare at me when I eat in my room. ;)

The other guy, he's a weird one... it feels like he's playing either hide and go seek, or peek a boo... it looks like he's finally comfy in the 29g, he's probably going to hate me when I put him in another smaller tank. I've already got plans for a low-tech 5g using crypts.