empty 10 gallon

Sep 4, 2005
Sushi the betta seemed more social then i first thought and is doin great in the community tank, *SUPERSMIL . So now his 10 gallon is empty, and i need ideas for it, i was thinkin something different, like hermit crabs or 2 fire belly toads, but does anyone have any good preferable non-fish ideas for my new tank (they can be aquatic, semi-aquatic, or fully terrestrial, its all good)

Sep 4, 2005
i thought about leopard gecko, but i dont have enough money for a heatlamp and alot of extras. Right now i got a 10 gallon tank, some rock bedding, 50 bucks, and parents who hate snakes/spiders. Does that count out ur guys suggestions


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Try crawdads! I kept one of these guys before and it was really cool watching him lurk under his rock, waiting for food to fall from on high (shrimp pellets and thawed silversides). That's my favorite non-fish aquarium inhabatint, but they will eat small fish so make sure that if they're kept with tank-mates, be sure that they're bigger than the crawdad.

Wow congratulations on moving your Betta to the community tank! Mine, is also in a community tank and loves it! No complaints yet - well done for giving your fish more room and some little buddies! :)
If i were you i'd make it a beautiful snail tank, with two or more dwraf frogs (they like to be in pairs and are more active! :D)... then you might even be able to slip in a fish or two as well... so you'll have allot going on. :) Perhaps, some small neons are something. That'd be a cool tank! :D

Sep 4, 2005
i wanted 1 or 2 african clawed frogs, and i thought i found them at petsmart under the clever name "african dwarf frog XL". But the workers assure me they will only get a cm or so bigger then regular adf

Sep 4, 2005
ya i know how big they get, i thought petsmart just labeled them like that cuz of the XL. Right now im considering 5 or so adfs, or 2 fire belly toads. (no place near me sells clawed frogs)