EMPTY(except for aa chocolate chip starfish) Any ideas?


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
i have a 29 gallon tank with live sand and a peice of live rock. what fish would you suggest to put in there? i would like a decorator crab and some camel shrimp in there. what could i put in there besides that? thx for the help!


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
i got a cherub angelfish and after 2 days the star was dead! the VERY trustworthy and amazing lfs said the star (which was moved from a friends tank to mine), was dying and that it wasn't the angels fault. still sad though. :( i got 3 peices of live rock today, so now there is a total of 4 peices.
i plan on doing mushrom coral and another grass-like coral(don't recall the name), so that is why i got some.

here is what i would like to put in this tank. and by all means sugggest, warn, ect. on this plan:
1x cherub angelfish
1x solar fairy wrasse
1x algae blenny( i need ideas on blennies/gobies to put in there;))
and an assortment of inverts(hermitcrabs, peppermint shrimp, and camel shrimp. how many of each do you all think?)

sorry for the long and jumbled up post:eek:. just have questions. thanx!