Empty tank

Jul 18, 2007
I just inherited a 30G (US) tank. Now I would like to create a nice aqua scape but have never done it on a large scale. I would like to try to incorporate some rocks that will look good in the tank. I have been looking online for different ideas. I really want to make a planted tank; they just look so peaceful and serene when done right. I will post more ideas later, it is time for sleep now. I am open for ideas. Here are some of the things that I need to figure out before I start putting water in.

Plants foreground:?
Plants Background:?
Under gravel filter:?

I have 12 fish in a 10 gallon that I would like to put in their new home soon, maybe a month or so.

3 Buenos Aries Tetras
3 Gold barbs
2 Neon Tetras
3 Chinese Algae eaters
1 Bristle nosed plecko

I plan on adding 2 more BA, 3-5 more Barbs, which I have not decided on what type. I plan to add a lot more Neon Tetras, maybe some emperor tetras, or some black tetras. Get a nice mix of that style of fish. Maybe a catfish, but I am not sure.

I am open for all suggestions.

Thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Unfortunately, the fish you currently have in your 10gallon is technically enough to fully stock your new tank, the current tank is very overstocked.

As far as aquascaping, definitely look around on the net for some ideas and buy your new aquascaping ornaments accordingly.

Substrate:ADA AquaSoil, Eco-Complete, or Flourite
Rocks: Depends on what style aquascape you want to do
Plants foreground: Depends
Plants Background: Depends
Under gravel filter: Do not, ever, use a UGF filter. Especially on a planted tank. If you have some extra money, go out and buy a Fluval or Filstar canister filter, if on a budget, an AquaClear HOB will work fine.
Lighting: Really depends on what you want. Can run from around $30 to $200.

Since you want a heavily planted tank, and a nice aquascape, it would be best to get you off on the right track the first time. I'm pretty bad at explaining things, but here are some good links that will help you:
PlantGeek.net - Your Aquatic Plant Resource
Aqua Botanic Aquarium Plants Sales and Library
2007 AGA Aquascaping Contest (look through previous entries for aquascape ideas)
Freshwater Planted Aquarium Blog - Aquatic Eden
The Planted Tank - Articles, Forums, Pictures, Links
These are several of many sites that have helped me and many others.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Well I tend to be a little more liberal with stocking than MissFishy... If you aren't going to be on top of your maintenance (only you know the answer to that, but for the sake of your fish, be honest with yourself) go with her stocking plan.

My vote would be to return the CAEs to the fish store (they're just gonna get big and nasty), as well as one of the types of tetra, then expand the remaining tetra and barb schools by maybe half a dozen each.

What I'd shoot for:
9-12 Tetras
9-12 Barbs
The Pl*co

Big schools of a single type of fish _always_ look better than a mishmash of a bunch of fish...


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
I agree with JWright. Return the CAEs (Chinese Algae Eater) as they are pretty useless in an aquarium, think about returning one of the tetra schools and then expand the other...

If you are set on keeping both the tetra schools, just be aware that the schools will be smaller and they aren't going to shoal very well...