Empty tank :)


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
I know how much I love seeing and answering posts about stocking questions, so here's my chance to not just use my imagination anymore and put these ideas to use! :)

So I found a 20g tall on craigslist for crazy cheap and will start the cycle on 7/23 after I get the gravel/decor in place. I'm doing larger, grey gravel (like what you see in driveways) for the substrate.

Anyways, I'd really like to do a pair of angels, but am scared that's going to be a tight fit. Any suggestions? Also, look at my sig, because I've thought about moving some fish around and changing things up even more. I have 3 rainbows (out of 5 originally) and now 2 Danios (out of 9) that survived a fish-in cycle (that I was forced into- :/) in my 29g; barbs in my 55g; and a Betta and tetras in my 10g. Oh, not to mention a loach and 2 otos (possibly 1- I've got one thats MIA for the past week). So, let your imaginations run wild and let me know what you'd do with a handful of fish and 4 tanks! :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'd be concerned about angels in the 20g for any length of time - they'd be okay while they are smaller, but ideally you should put them in the 55g, if you can rehome the silver dollars and barbs. How big are those fish? Could they go to the 29g, and the rainbows go with the potential angels in the 55g? Not sure about your danios with the barbs and silver dollars if the danios are long-finned though . . . .