enough filtration for a 55?


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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I made a dumb move and bought two 1" Dempseys...I put them in my 10 with my 1" Severum and all seems well. My question is, if I plan on upgrading to a 50 or 55, would a HOT Magnum with the biowheel be enough to handle a couple of full grown Dempseys and a Severum, or do I need to suck it up and buy a better canister filter?

Would 2 Dempseys and a Severum be too much for a 55? If not, I have a buddy with a 160 that I could give the Severum to. My worst fear is if I have a breeding pair of Dempseys....then the Severum is SOL. Thanks.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
2 dempseys is too much for a 55. A couple of severums would be the max (as far as big fish) that you could keep in there. As they seem to be th least territorial of the larger new world cichlids. 2 male dempseys would be a blood bath waiting to happen in a 55.

Don't bother with more filtration, plan on a larger tank. HTH