entire school of neons wiped out


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
Ive been having a lot of deaths in my tank lately and i dont know if its disease or fish praying on other fish. I originally had 13 neons in my tank. In the past two months the school has dwindled down to one. The thing is every time I find a dead neon Their eyes are always eaten out. They always seem to die every time I turn out the lights. When I wake up there would always be a dead neon half eaten. I noticed that my khuli loaches were feasting on the dead carcasses. Then a couple days ago, two of my khuli loaches died one after the other. The way they died was really weird though. It almost looked like their stomachs exploded. So maybe it was a disease that killed them and not a fish.

Anyone have any idea as to why my entire school was wiped out?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
my dad had 15 in his tank and for 3 months they were fine...then they just started dieing out. thier inbred so arnt that hardy as people would suspect and thier eyes are probably chewed out after thier dead by the pleco or rams