Escaping the world of the giant chain petstore!

Jul 26, 2004
Northwest Indiana
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Hello everyone-

I've been poking around the forum for a week or so, gleaning information from everyone and finally decided to just register already!

Just graduated from college *celebrate (go Hoosiers!) and finally have more time to play with my fishies, including finding a nice little lfs. This, coupled with the overwhelming wealth of knowledge this database has to offer has made me realize what I had been missing out by getting all my fish stuff at Petsmart- don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic store for all the latest and greatest cat and dog stuff, but I think there is a total of 1 person there who knew what they were talking about. Before this forum, I had no idea I needed an airpump, and no one ever told me some fish are happier in groups. Thanks, guys!

Everyone here seems passionate about their finned friends, and I look forward to communicating with everyone! Maybe I'll even be the one answering a few questions...someday!

Wow, I'm long-winded. Sorry!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to MFT :) Hope you'll stick around and keep learning. I know what you mean about the big chain stores. It seems like they're very hit and miss across the country. Heck I just moved about 10 miles from my old house...the Petsmart by my old house has a great fish department...and the one by the new house is totally clueless! I dont even like going in there for my dog stuff...but I can't help it since its so close.