establishing media


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2009
Hey guys. I have an established 35 gallon tank. I'm setting up a second tank and have put the filter & media into the first tank to let it establish. It's only a small filter for a tiny 2.5 gallon tank. Just curious how long it needs to sit to establish.


unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Best way was to just swap some old media with the new but I am assuming the new media is a filter cartridge and needs to do it your way. I had to do the same with my 2.5 cartridge and left it inside my other establlished filter for 2-3 weeks, but I bet you can wait just 2 or so....Really depends on the placement and if the bacteria can easily transfer. Can you put decorations oe even better, substrate from the 35 into the 2.5?


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2009
Good call with the substrate. I'll put some in a mesh net and suspend it in the tank. The colors don't match so I don't wanna mix them but that should work! Thanks for the good idea. I need something significantly shorter than that as I just put a few new fish in my tank and they're ganging up on the new betta. Poor guy's been there about 24 hours and has already taken a beating. I too missfishy's advice and he hasn't been touched with a net :) He's going in his own little 2.5 gallon home now complete with moss ball, heater, little filter, and everything. He was being funny and trying to eat the bubbles from the air curtain so I have a little stone for him to play with. He can keep me company on my desk while I work. God knows I could use it.



Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
i love the fact that my next tank will have established media ready to go in
itll also be nice to do a tank from start to finish THE RIGHT WAY ! lol
although is your tank ever really finished ? lol