Everybody! I GIVE YOU ZEUS!!!


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Im sorry for the very poor picture quality.I took it with my phone and all he did was stay at the back of the tank.Hes already chasing the tiger barbs,claiming himself as owner of the tank.He is only about 1.5-2in at the moment.He is dark black with orange and white stripes!Hes got soooo much character.I hope you enjoy!


Feeders are treats only :) So having an oscar to eat other fishes isn't a good choice for population control :)

I give Draegan an assortment of foods. Like us Oscars get bored with being fed the same things day in and out. When he was small i would feed him "mini" pellets :) He now eats the medium ones.

I feed:
hikiri gold
hikiri bio-gold (when it is cheap! @ 20.00 a bag it is expensive!)
Hikiri Staple
Cichlid Sticks

All of these are mixed in a large jar and I just sprinkle some in at feeding time that way he gets a large array of things. I also feed him 2 or 3 mealies at night before bed. I also buy a couple ghost shrimp every couple of weeks and toss them in there with him. They never hit the bottom of the tank. Shrimp and mealies are the only 2 live foods he will ever get.

Food is a matter of preference. With the Bio-Gold scientific studies have proven that it lessens nitrate creep which is wonderful for Oscar owners. I have a 55g tank and I do 2 75% water chages a week to keep Nitrates below 5. Personal preference.

HITH is linked to vitamin defects and bad water quality. So the healthier Oscar eats and swims in, The healthier Oscar will be :)

(I know that I sound like a broken record repeating this stuff but for a person that comes in looking for oscar info I want them to get started on the right page :) Not have an un-healthy oscar that gets nothing but feeders.)

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Zeus is...err...will be...a force to be reckoned with! :p
Congrats on getting the little guy---I'm sure you probably love him/her already! Just give Zeus some time to get used to the new surroundings, and you'll be seeing that wonderful oscar personality shine through in no time. :)

As for who/what started this so-called "oscar craze" as of late, I say the blame rests completely on the shoulders of Krystal (a.k.a. VirgoWolf). It is her, after all, who has kept oscars ('Surge' & 'Oscar,' if I'm not mistaken) the longest around here over the past few years (at least out of the people who post, anyway). Oh, while I'm at it, I might as well point the finger (index, not middle one, lol) at Heather (a.k.a. missdixie256) since she had oscars ('Draegan' & 'Callyx') before me. Not to mention Jess (FishGeek), who also had her oscars before me (can't remember their names though cuz' she hasn't posted pics yet :( ).

Hmm, so basically I 'blame' those people...so there! :p
And now I owe them all a big thanks, because Triton is awesome! :D



Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Thanks everybody!Another reason i got him is that he was the only one to look at me in the tank of oscars.At my lfs they also had a GIANT 14in oscar.That helped a little to.For right now im feeding him new life spectrum and tetramin flakes, but this weekend ill get different types of food for him.