Everything in my tank died! Please tell me if this is possible.


New Fish
Jun 1, 2009
Hi! I am a novice Saltwater fish-tank owner for about 8 months. I have a 36 gallon tank that I had regularly serviced. I was slowly working on my tank, first I added live rock then a few damselfish and a peppermint shrimp and then a few hermit crabs. These fish, etc were doing very well in my tank.

Then recently I decided to get a VHO light and an anemone and two clown fish two add to my tank. The anemone died (various reasons including the condition of the water) and one of my clown fish was in distress. The next day I called to get my tank cleaned and the coral removed. My regular guy (Dan) was out of town so I called over a new guy (Jim) to service the tank. He said that there was an ammonia spike in my tank and that I might lose a fish. (at this point all fish in the tank were looking great except for the small clown fish that was in distress since the moment I added him to the tank).

The new service guy added his own saltwater, changed the water, did some other stuff and took out my bubble stick which he said was not appropriate for my tank and said that I should get a power head instead. He left and I was feeling confident that things were heading in the right direction with my tank, however the next morning I woke up and found EVERYTHING in my tank DEAD! Hermit crabs, shrimp fish and ALL. I even think my live rock was effected because there were pink milliworm type things crawling out of the rocks.

Is this possible? Could a ammonia spike cause this much distress in an otherwise semi-healthy tank? I can understand the death of the clown fish but I had the Damsels for 8 months and they have seen it all in my tank and they survived...but not this time. Was it the ammonia or was it this guys fault? He says he had nothing to do with it....



Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Well the anemone died so ammonia here we go on a 36g...btw how much rock you got in there? Own saltwater ? He brought his own saltwater : Hmm..maybe a bad mix, maybe not enough time to dissolve. How much water did he change? ( % ) Indeed you need some powerheads or water movements. Ammonia is poisoning so i mean...the guy could have rushed a bit, change too much water with different parameters creating a big shock, but you had stuff rotting in your small tank, wich was not his fault.
If your tank can't handle a bioload because you have not much or good live rock, it's hard to point finger at the guy..the crash could have happened, maybe less quickly.
Clownfish = tough fish, and he was sick before..
Should have tested your params before and after.
Also low alkalinity can be a factor , messing up the ph, stressing the organisms, leading to sickness, death...and ammonia once again. Or simply a system crash.


Small Fish
Jun 1, 2009
That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Hmmm. Mebbe the ''milliworms'' were living inside your fish eating them alive, and they killed them over night?:confused::eek: