Excellent Beginner Fish!!


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi everyone, I thought some of you may find this interesting.....

I was a Walmart yesterday getting rodent food etc. and as always, I walk by the Tanks to see just how mistreated they are today.

So They had a couple tanks with Oscars (Babies mind you) Labeled "Excellent Beginner Fish) WTF are they talking about!!!

There was a family there buying a nice new 10g starter kit, and was going to buy the Oscar too :eek: Sooooo I walked up the the Family and the employee selling them the fish and said "Do you have any idea what your doing?" "That isn't a starter fish, and most certainly isn't a 10g fish"

So after mush deliberation they chose a nice little pair of platies (Both female I helped them determine).

I know this happens all the time, I see the various threads about it, but I just had to post this.:mad:

For those of you dieing to ask...Yes I tried to explain fishless tank cycling, However they were bound and determined to get a tank TODAY, so I gave them a brief rundown on "fish in" cycling and gave them the link to this forum for future help :p

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well i don't know, i find oscars pretty easy to care for. Decent starter cichlid, just the whole tank size comes into play.

But yes, pretty sad. Its not so much the customers as it is the employees of fish stores. The customers are getting into a new hobby...most likely they don't know anything about it. Its up to those that are in the hobby or even those versed in the hobby (in a perfect world the employees) to let them know.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Cichlid-Man said:
Well i don't know, i find oscars pretty easy to care for. Decent starter cichlid, just the whole tank size comes into play.

But yes, pretty sad. Its not so much the customers as it is the employees of fish stores. The customers are getting into a new hobby...most likely they don't know anything about it. Its up to those that are in the hobby or even those versed in the hobby (in a perfect world the employees) to let them know.
It's just frustrating, Even though I'm just a "beginner" myself really, I don't understand why a salesmen would even suggest any Cichlid as a starter fish, seems everthing I read about various cichlids says something to the effect of.... aggresive, or species only tank, or gets too large, or requires perfect water conditions etc. Most of these things "new Hobbyists" aren't prepared to cope with.

IMHO Walmart shouldn't be selling fish, and if they must, they should be true "easy care, hardy, small beginner fish" example Danios, or Platies etc.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I find that most of the commonly found cichlids can often be very hardy, and willing to put up with lots of mistreatment. But, it's all in the mindset of those starting out in the hobby. They don't know what they want, so they decide to go for a 'community' tank, with a little bit of everything.

Most cichlds are some of the simplest fish to care for, they just don't often play well with others when tossed haphazardly into a 'community' tank.

I see exactly what your saying though. About the same as a kid on a bike telling me why I need to buy that new BMW. Just doesn't really make since.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Orion said:
If you've never tried cichlids you really should. They come in more sizes, colors and behaviours than color's for that new BMW. You'll never want to go back ;)
Well, I'm moving this summer so I'm not going to get anything going just yet, But I have gotten "clearance from the tower" to buy myself a 55 or 75g setup once we move (I'd buy it now, but I don't wanna move it ;) ) That tank will indeed be cichlids, I'm thinking mbuna, but am still undecided. There will be a thread in the future :D


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
when i was at walmart the other day i overheard an employee telling a lady that they (this particular walmart) are getting rid of their live fish department. the employee sounded sad but on the inside i was jumping for joy. walmart has no business selling fish!!