Kind of interesting - a year ago when you first got on the forum one of your earlier entries was about getting your aquarium for Christmas, now that Christmas is past and you are again waiting for Christmas. I realize I mistakenly said, $10 a month instead of week, but I was thinking week and that is only about $130 for the summer. You once said you got an allowance ($20 a week if I remember right) obviously that isn't happening. You also said when you turned 16 you had been offered a job at one of the LFS. Have you ever actually written down a plan? With costs? You have frequently agreed to get a siphon and test kit, but I don't think that has happened. It will take your first months pay to do that. I doubt your parents can come up with another couple of hundred dollars just like that. The fish you want are usually expensive (from my point of view) The most I have spent on a fish so far is $3.47 and that was a betta. Mostly I wait until Petsmart has their $1 deals and I have stocked my tanks with those fish. I bought the siphon and liquid test kit before I put water in that first tank. Then I got smart and checked Craigslist and found a tank and stand for the same price I paid for just the previous tank and 10g bigger. BUT the biggest expense isn't in the tanks, it is all the stuff that goes with it, like heaters, filters, substrate, decor, & plants. Just go to and instead of just looking, make a list with the prices. Also remember that the prices on line are mostly much lower then in the store, but you have to pay shipping. is the same way. I watch for deals when the on line store has specials and then the shipping might be free or at least less.