excited new guy


Medium Fish
Oct 26, 2005
Hey people well the name is sutty i have two empty tanks and one in a fishless cylce i am getting peacock gobies for christmas . you may have seen my OH posting questions about them (Kelly27) , i cant wait its been almost 5 years since i kept fish but back then i had 18 tanks i know i will end up like that again teribly impulsive , i am also new to internet so this is all cool . should also have a digital cam soon so will post progress (if i can work out how) ttfn .*thumbsups


Medium Fish
Oct 26, 2005
was not to bad had a lot of help setting up a fish house dad is a joiner and i was working in the bulding trade at the time , pfk also had an article on how to set up and maintain one , maintaining it i had some great guys help out who worked in my lfs (when i was working away ) .*GOLDFISH*