Exciting times: equipment arrived


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well...my skimmer, return pump, and lights all came just now...opened up the coralife 4x65 setup and i have to say it was worth the money...this is a sweet little lighting rack...the $7 for the legs also was worth it...its rel clean looking and the fans are super quiet...i bet i wont be able to hear them over the overflow ;)

anyway...had to share my excitement with someone!


Large Fish
Dec 20, 2003
Bemidji, MN
Visit site
thats awesome! yeah i cant wait till i get my next paycheck, im gonna go out and buy a skimmer and a couple more lights for my tank, its gonna be exciting.

what kind of skimmer and return pump did you get? did you decide if you were gonna do the two 10 gal in the stand setup?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
nah, decided to stick to just the single ten...i dont really want to get involved in the process of attaching two tanks (for those not following this, there is a middle brace in my stand which runs from top to bottom all the way through the depth)...i set up the skimmer, return, etc and test ran it all for a few hours...once it settled in and found a constant water level in the sump (about 5in of water i would say) i killed the power and watched it siphon down...had lots of room left over, so todo es bueno. Went to the glass cutter, got some pieces made for my bubble trap/LR box and so that all will be put together this evening and left to sit


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I got what the call premium fiji from Drs F&S...it was just so much cheaper and i needed a large quantity so i mail ordered...its pretty nice looking stuff...lots of coraline and some macroalgae...better than anything ive ever seen in the stores anyway so i think i dun good. got quite a few fairly round pieces (which is what you are getting with fiji anyway) but most of them are full of holes and sich so they are going to work out well. I got the 45# box with the intention of going to the lfs and getting some tonga/branch/vanusi to kinda decorate some areas...ledges, fun places, etc...anyway...its just simmering right now, tommorow i may try to do some inital aquascaping just to figure out exactly what parts will be in the light and what parts will not



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
just an update to keep anyone interested informed, its been sitting for 24 hours with just a powerhead and heater...turned on the skimmer and the overflow today...did some testkiting

temp: 77F
salinity: 31ppt (specific gravity ~ 1.023) probably will raise this
to 32 or 33ppt
pH: 8.3
ammonia: 1ppm
nitrite: 0ppm (as expected)
nitrate: 0ppm (as expected)

moral of that story: all is looking good!

Last edited:


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
and...after sitting around patiently waiting for my girlfriend to call (which she never did :() i decided to call it a night...earlier this afternoon i fiddled with the rocks and got them where i like them, then added my substrate so i am waiting on that to settle, but it has cleared up a lot...i suspect by morning it will be clear and pictures will be taken in the afternoon for posting


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well 1 ppm ammonia is not so bad. Sounds like you're on the right road. As a comment it's normally a good idea to stick your substrate i nso early as it makes syphoning the bottom if you have a ton of die off more difficult, though it's hardly a disaster.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
yah...i actually would have waited, but i wanted to try out some of the Arag-Alive "live" sand just to see how it would do; it is supposed to "cycle your tank more quickly" along the lines of bio-spira, but i didn't really believe it...so I wanted to get it in there and see if it would have any effect on the relative speed of cycle...basically, a 20# bag of the stuff cost me $30 and a 20# bag of regular substrate costs me $20 so for the extra $10 a bag I decided to give it a go

oh yah, and the tank is clearish this AM so when I get home from class I'll try to take some pictures



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well...it doesnt looks as pretty as i wouldve liked it to show in the pictures, but, the rockwork is not as wallish as it appears, most of the branch stuff you see juts out towards the front/sides...anyhoo...so it goes


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Don't worry about instant cycles. Your tank will go at it's own pace. Nice aquascaping.
Don't get impatient now. If you can bar ro give this tank 6 weeks or so without fish your life will be so much eaasier as you'll get through the first parts of the algae wars in much better shape. What critters came on the live rock?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Wayne: im definitely in no hurry...just interested in checking out the stuff on the market for my own personal edification and i figured might as well see what (if anything) it does. My bet is that it does nothing special. I will not be adding any fish for about a month or so I would imagine, at least. As far as critters on the LR I have seen a few assorted snails, one which almost looks like a small astrea snail and then some of the nasarius snails i believe...a few random pods here and there seem to pop in and out of the rock...i believe there was a small crab of some sort but i havent seen him since the first day, probably in hiding. some little feather duster worms...various sorts of calcerous algae (red, orange, purple, and pink) which i need to look up in my book; there is also a small patch of green bubble algae which showed up this AM that i am seriously considering removing, even though i like the looks of the stuff i dont want it to take over. some red macroalgae and some green macroalgae...the dead stuff i pulled off and the not as dead stuff i left on to see if it would recover...im thinking it will. no aiptasia (yet) so that is good. also a couple of sponges which i removed since i figured they were going to die having been out of water for a day and i would rather not deal with their slow death

Sam: probably mostly just an assortment of soft corals...would like to try a xenia sp. at some point, other than that nothing in particular; i have a variety of polyps/mushroomswhich i will be moving from the 20g into the 55, maybe some lps somewhere down the line as well...i figure ive got a nice long wait before i can get involved in any of that so im going to work out more specifics over the coming weeks


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA

Ammonia was at 0ppm this AM
Nitrite was up between 2 and 5ppm
Nitrate: didn't test, no real reason too since it wont be accurate

Brown diatoms started to cover the substrate yesterday AM and is on some of the rocks...small tufts of green hair algae are also on some of the rocks so all is going well it would seem