Something likes Eheim 2217. I just set up my tank, I do not know too much about what equipment I should use. But, I do know I need a filter to purify water.
I am using CA 2200 Pond 800 GPH water pump.
I am sorry for my bad first post.
well I dont know why the wetdry filter ist doing this, what kind of weydry do you have, or is it a DIY? for canisters I reccomend any eheim rated for your tank
Recently upgraded to an Eheim 2213 for my 20 gallon tank and it's very quiet, makes water changes a breeze and makes the tank crystal clear. Would highly recommend it!
I use 175g wet/dry filter. the water is clean, but dusty. Is there a way to clean those dust from tank? Or attach some other cleaning system to my wet/dry filter?