Extreme conditions during vacation


New Fish
Jun 20, 2013
Hello, I'm new here.
I will not be at home for 14 days and I wanted to ask if my aquarium plants can survive this extreme conditions during that period.
There will bi no sunlight only 36 w aquarium light 10 hours in a day.
Temperature outside might rise up to 42C which means it will bi up to 35C in aquarium.
I have this plants
1.1. Echinodorus Rose
1.2. Limnophila sessiliflora
1.3. Ludwigia repens
1.4. Rotala Rotundifolia
1.5. Bacopa australis

2.1. Ludwigia palustris
2.2. Ludwigia x arcuata
2.3. Hygrophila Polysperma
2.4. Najas guadalupensis
2.5. Bacopa monniera

3.1. Glosso
3.2. Riccia fluitans

Can I hope my plants will live?