Extremely Shy Dempsey


Medium Fish
Jun 28, 2005
St. Pete, FL
Does anyone know why my Jack Dempsey is so skittish? I got him about a month ago. Will not feed with the rest of the fish. Has been hiding under the rocks since day one. He comes out a night when I turn all the lights off. I usually throw a few pellets in and he eats. If I turn on the lights he'll run back under the rocks. Is this something that he'll get over? Will he always be a night tiome fish that I never see? Please help with any suggestions.


1 jack - 8"
2 blue cobalt - 6"
1 jewel cichlid - 4"
2 - tiger barb
2 - black ruby barb
1 orange unidentified african cichlid - 4"


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
My JD also was very skittish for the first 2 months. He is not that big as yours though. He is maybe reaching his 5". He even injured himself while trying to run. He came out for food real quick and then ran in his cave like a crazy. But then i brought a green severum. The Severum is very quiet friendly and peaceful fish and he is cruising front of the tank constantly. My JD is now is different fish. Now when he sees me, he is dancing and posing instead of running and hiding. So, the sev. is kind of dither fish for him.
The phase should pass eventually.
BTW you have lots of fish in 55g.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
my salvini was very skittish and reclusive for the first 2 months while he was in my tank, but then i got lots of java fern and he started coming out more, i guess the java fern made him feel more comfortable and confident.