My female betta, Tovi, is really sick! She has had had a sore where her swim bladder is for days. She's had trouble swimming, etc. She stopped eating yesterday. Her belly is somewhat swollen, too. And now it's pineconing.
Also, today, she has redness under where its pineconing, mainly on the same side as the sore. There is some in the same spot on the other side, but not as much. She just lays in the small container I have her in at the moment so she can reach the surface easily. I think she's going to die! HELP!
I have Jungle Fungus Clear in at the moment, instead of Maracyn 2 which didn't help after treating for 5 days. It treats Hemorrhagic Septicemia and dropsy. But I think if Tovi has septicemia, it isn't hemorrhagic cuz it broke the skin (the sore).
The sore is really deep, and she's lost most of her color, except the bleeding under her scales. She mainly heaves or hardly breathes at the bottom of the container.
WHAT SHOULD I DO????? I don't want her to die!!!!!!!
Also, today, she has redness under where its pineconing, mainly on the same side as the sore. There is some in the same spot on the other side, but not as much. She just lays in the small container I have her in at the moment so she can reach the surface easily. I think she's going to die! HELP!
I have Jungle Fungus Clear in at the moment, instead of Maracyn 2 which didn't help after treating for 5 days. It treats Hemorrhagic Septicemia and dropsy. But I think if Tovi has septicemia, it isn't hemorrhagic cuz it broke the skin (the sore).
The sore is really deep, and she's lost most of her color, except the bleeding under her scales. She mainly heaves or hardly breathes at the bottom of the container.
WHAT SHOULD I DO????? I don't want her to die!!!!!!!