Extremely Sick Betta HELP!!!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My female betta, Tovi, is really sick! She has had had a sore where her swim bladder is for days. She's had trouble swimming, etc. She stopped eating yesterday. Her belly is somewhat swollen, too. And now it's pineconing.

Also, today, she has redness under where its pineconing, mainly on the same side as the sore. There is some in the same spot on the other side, but not as much. She just lays in the small container I have her in at the moment so she can reach the surface easily. I think she's going to die! HELP!

I have Jungle Fungus Clear in at the moment, instead of Maracyn 2 which didn't help after treating for 5 days. It treats Hemorrhagic Septicemia and dropsy. But I think if Tovi has septicemia, it isn't hemorrhagic cuz it broke the skin (the sore).

The sore is really deep, and she's lost most of her color, except the bleeding under her scales. She mainly heaves or hardly breathes at the bottom of the container.

WHAT SHOULD I DO????? I don't want her to die!!!!!!! :(

Mar 11, 2003
It is definately dropsy. Dropsy is unfortunately fatal and you cannot cure it. Just do your best. I haven't had any experience with this disease, so thats all I can tell you at the moment.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
hmm yeah I had dropsy b4 with my platy, who died, but that's cuz I caught it late. Dropsy IS cureable if you catch it early. But I think it may not be dropsy cuz its mainly pineconing on one side. And the blood and sore still are unexplained... anyway it doesn't look like she's gonna make it, no matter what she has.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Sorry to hear about Tovi, I know how you feel, 2 of my bettas died in 2 weeks of each other, and my favourite goldfish died Tuesday.. I am trying to save my other 2 goldies, one is doing better and the other is severly sick...

Hang in there, and get another fish when you are ready.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanx. Good luck with your little guys! Trumpet is enjoying the whole 5 gallon to himself since I removed the divider. I'm not sure if I'll get another betta since the tank was really dirty cuz the divider didn't let the filter do its job all that well. I did 2 50% water changes today and will do another tomorrow. The water is all cloudy and gross.

Aug 9, 2003
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Sorry about Tovi :(

I hope that, now that you don't have a divider anymore, that your filter gets to do a better job and that Trumpet stays healthy for a long, long, long, LONG time (at least, in terms of a Betta),


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanx everyone. Unfortunately, Trumpet now has ich. I had been keeping an eye on him when Tovi was still alive cuz he had small bumps on him, but they weren't white, sooooo I didn't worry. I think I caught it pretty early and hes still himself. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

CowLoverGirl: Next time try some Epsom salt in case its constipation. Or feed him a pea. And I've found Jungle Fungus Clear works well for stuff that it treats, and it says it treats dropsy, so next time maybe you should try that?