failed betta suicide attempt.... paralyzed?


New Fish
Mar 19, 2005
oh no. it happened.

i transferred my fish to a smaller cup this morning while i let his bowl's new water sit to achieve room temperature, and stupidly forgot to put a lid on it. he'd never had a problem with jumping before, so i went out to run some errands, and when i came back, there he was in the sink!

he was still wet and i quickly put him back in some water, but i'm not sure if he's on the brink of death or in some really bad shock. he's regained much of his color since the incident, but it's almost as though he's paralyzed in his hindquarters. he flips out when i touch his front-half, but suddenly he's very insensitive to his tail and back-half. just a temporary side effect of the jump, or is my boy seriously paralyzed?

any suggestions of what to do to help him back to life are much appreciated =/


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would leave him alone for a few days, with only a little light so he can recover. I wouldn't poke him too much, and allow him time to recouperate. If you have some, you could add some Melafix.

It's hard to say if he'll make it, I guess it all depends on how long he was out of water and how he landed.


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
You shouldn't bother stressed/sick fish. Leave him alone he should do fine.

Betta's can live outside of water for awhile. Just let him be and he'll be back to himself, I'm sure.