Fake Plant Issues/Observations


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2007
Somers, NY
I know that the lions share of folks on the forums are big into planted aquariums, but a few of us stick with the plastics. I was wondering amongst our fake plant community if anyone else has seen this particular issue crop up in their tank:

A few of my plants, either through nibbles taken by some of the fish (I've narrowed down culprits to Silver Dollars and maybe a panda cory or two) or through just plain age, have started to crumble- I see tiny plastic bits floating around the tank.

Typically I will try and get as much of this out of the tank as possible during cleanings, but its pretty persistent material.

The fish appear to ignore it- nobody's gotten sick or had any problems that I can see, but its rather annoying to see the stuff floating around, even if it appears not to have any adverse effects on the animals.

With plastics I find that the below plants with very intricate, tiny branches break up and get nibbled over time:

The plants I'm referring to are the willowy tall ones that reach up to the waterline.

The more full-leaf plastic plants are more durable and tend not to get bothered and broken:

The bright red plant just left of center is what I'm referring to- the leaves are solid and don't present much to bite nor are they as delicate. I've replaced most of the nibbled plants with either cloth or a newer version that is more rubbery and has give to it so it can take more punishment. (I'm referring to the green treelike plant just under the aforementioned red leafed plant- the material is really nice and its quickly become my favorite fake in the tank)

The cloth plants I have can fray here and there, but are overall much better than the plastics- I only replace them when algae and time have bleached them beyond their original look. I am working to replace most of my plastics with cloth as you can see in the pics.

So has anyone else encountered this problem with their plastics?


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
it has been many, many years since I used fake plants, but I recall having similiar issues...

Most of the plastic plants I had started to disentigrate in some way or another after a year or so. The cloth plants fared a bit better, but not by much.

however, fake plants are WAY better now then when I was using them back in high school. hopefully your replacement plants will garner you more success.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
I haven't had a tank long enough to have those issues yet, but now I'll know to look out for it.

But I just wanted to compliment you on your tank though. It really looks nice! *thumbsups


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2007
Somers, NY
Thanks Laura- that's very kind of you.

Honestly, I needed the pictures because embarrassing though it is to admit, I don't know the actual names of the plants the plastic ones are supposed to represent. :confused:

you'll notice crumbling on the ends of the cylindrical type plants, and they begin to look white as the green cover chips off- again, its never had any adverse effects on the fish, but its a bitch to clean once it happens- now I keep an eye constantly on the plants and replace if I see the slightest wear.

I'm not planning on doing real plants right now though- I don't have the time or aptitude- and injecting CO2 into the tank isn't my idea of a good time for me or the fish. I've been considering popping in a few of those ready sold bulbs that come in a pack and seeing what happens, but that's about it.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your input, and enjoy!



Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Those bulbs are hit-and-miss, so don't expect all of them to produce any plants if you decide to buy them.

I started out with plastic plants but have been adding real plants as often as I can find those that don't require a lot of CO2 or light.

However, I saw some glow-in-the-dark plastic plants today and was thinking about adding one or two just to see what they would look like in the tank.

I have 3 dud- bulbs! But if you want "lilly pads" I found that LOWES has them in their outdoor section! (HIGH LIGHT PLANT from what I understand... I dont worry about it I have about 4wpg...LOL)

They also have Parrots Feather...

Oh and Tom. I have a glow in the dark plant that we have had for YEARS...A nd it still glows up a storm... I love it...LOL