Getting ready to add buch of rocks for the cichlid tank (new setup) and concerned about falling rocks. I've read about people putting egg cartons on the bottom, some use PVC pipe, and of course there is always glueing the rocks together so they can't fall.
I don't want to glue the rocks, what if I want to redecorate?
If I add/change fishes, I need to be able to alter "territories", correct?
Wouldn't the cardboard egg cartons get squished and disintegrate? And there must be chemicals in there...
Do you folks do anything special to the tank bottom? I'm ready to add the special africn cichlid gravel (60 lbs) and if I should protect the bottom, now would be the time...
I don't want to glue the rocks, what if I want to redecorate?
If I add/change fishes, I need to be able to alter "territories", correct?
Wouldn't the cardboard egg cartons get squished and disintegrate? And there must be chemicals in there...
Do you folks do anything special to the tank bottom? I'm ready to add the special africn cichlid gravel (60 lbs) and if I should protect the bottom, now would be the time...