Farwell, red betta

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
My wonderful red betta male died last night in a freak accident. I had just cleaned his 2g hex tank a hour or so earlyer when I found him dead in the clear plastic tube the an air line runs in to to make bubbles. I had turned the bubbles off when I feed him earlyer. I don't no what happen, or why in went down the tube, there was no way for him to get sucked in or anything.

I was real parshall(sp?) to this guy even though he had no name. I had a dream one night of a glowing red betta. 2 weeks later I found a bright red betta in the store and decided to get him. He was real bright red not like the dull red guys you see a lot. He was the only fish in my room so I got a habit of talking to him while getting ready for work.... I had just told him that I was going to buy new Betta Bio-Blend just for him! I am so upset!!

I wish I had a photo of him to show you guys.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Unfortunatly I only had him for about 4-5 months.
His tank is still empty in my room. Out of habit its the first thing I look at when I come in so I will have to get somthing to put in there. I just don't know when.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
So sorry to hear about your betta! I've gone through a LOT of fish deaths, and know the feeling. Once, my little molly (my favorite) died for no reason. I only had him for about a month. My little platy got dropsy and died, but even though he had it for over a week, and I prepared myself for his death, I was still REALLY upset when he finally gave in. Now, my longest living betta, it will have been 5 months in 2 days, is my all-time favorite fish! He has such a cute personality and has learned tricks, etc!!! I got REALLY upset when I thought that he was going to die cuz he had fungus twice plus hexamita and then he started tail biting after what I thought was dropsy, but he was just getting fat! lol I know I'd hate to lose the little guy!!!

I have a funny story that might cheer you up a bit! About a week ago, I got up earlier than usual and went to feed my betta, Merlyn. Merlyn didn't come out from wherever he was hiding after I put food in the tank... I looked for him in his little spot by the heater. Sure enough, there he was. I went around to the side of the tank so I could see him better. He was titled backwards against the heater. His head was REALLLLLLLLY light, so he had the dead fish look overall. Plus, his gills didn't appear to be moving, but I didn't look for too long cuz I was freaking out. I left the room to go get the fish net. When I came back, I saw his tail moving by the other side of the tank... it turned out he was just in a really deep sleep!! His head got light cuz the light was off. I know tetras do that, too. He had also already eaten all his food... the little pig!

Hope that cheered you up a little... just my experience with my odd little betta!

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Thanks a lot FishQueen! That did cheer me up!
I had a really old betta about 3 years ago, I think he was already older then the others fishs at the lfs when I bought him, I named him Elvis (I can't remember why now. . maybe it had something to do with the fact that my B-Day is that of Elivs's) anyhow I had him for about a year when he died. He was a nice male betta, I kept him in a 29g community tank and he never bother anyone!