Favorite Angel

Oct 21, 2008
I'm looking to soon become an Angel distributor, and I'm looking to see what the general publics favorite Angel type is. If you type in "FW Angelfish, or go to liveaquaria.com ->freshwater-angels" you can see the different types. Any replies are greatly appreiciated


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
As you can tell, peoples interest run the spectrum. Unless you are planning on breeding several different types. I would pick something you are comfortable with or something your LFS needs. That way, you are swarmed by hundreds of little angels. Not really a bad thing if they are Farrah!

Color type is second to finnage and form for me, but after that I loooove zebra clowns, ghosts and all types of blushers. I love blacks too but really nice ones are hard to find.

Some of my past faves
Silver ghost

Gold marble

Black Lace

Black blusher

I've had some terrific golds and marbles too and I'd love to get my hands on some platinums. Out of all of them though, silver ghosts have to be my fave. :D