Favorite Bottom Feeder/Algae Eater?


Superstar Fish
I have been looking into a bunch of different possibilities for some bottom feeder/algae eaters for my 55g (and actually my 10g also) and I can't decide. So, does anyone out there have any great favorites that they like or would like to suggest? I'm looking for something that stays pretty small, under 3-4 inches. (For a community tank by the way). Heck, even suggest some that get big, I'd like to hear what everyone prefers anyway...What do you guys/gals like?


Large Fish
Nov 22, 2002
Visit site
I have ottos and kuhli loachs in my tank. Ottos are good algae eaters and don't hurt plants. Luhli loaches dig into subtrates and eat food that falls thru. However, they don't show up much during day time.


Superstar Fish
I really want bristlenoses, but I will bet a hundred dollars that I won't be able to find them around here (ok ok, not literally). I'm thinking about ottos, but I can't find them either, and I will not order them online. As for kuhli loaches, theres something about them that creeps me out!!!!


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
You could get a school of corys to clean up the bottom and a SAE to eat the algae (it will also require food, but eat the algae as well) those guys do such a good job, I havent seen a spot of algae on my tank since I got "Aligator" (algae-eater ;) ). My fave bottom feeder of all though is the pictus cat, they get to be about 6" but are totally worth it.


Superstar Fish
omg, i dont even want to talk about it! (tear) I wanted a pictus cat SOOOOOOO bad, I was gonna get a tank just for one, and it was beautiful, and I had it on hold (my fish store got it by accident, it was the only one) and the guy SOLD IT!!!!! (tear, again)

I was originally just gonna do corys but they seem kinda...boring.

As for the SAE, they're hard to find here, but I think I may have seen some. They only thing is that I am not very familiar with them and I remember reading something about a False Siamese Algae Eater, and I can't tell the difference (although some research should remedy that).

Coyote, kinda. I also realllllllly get creeped out by leaches, and the name is similar and they kinda, in a way, look the same.

Cool name - aligator ;)

If i just suck it up and go with the corys, which are easy to find here, how many do you suggest I get? 6-8?

If you want small, a Marbled Sailfin Pleco, Spotted Sailfin Pleco, Clown Butterfly Pleco, Gold Nugget Pleco, or a Scribble Pleco would suit you nicely. And my personal favorites too, the Candy Striped Pleco and the Vampire Pleco. I think any one of these would make a nice addition to your planted tank. I'm pretty sure that each of these get 3-4 in.