Yup that be the ones! We are VERY close to buying us our first house (SCORE), so it will wait a while, but I've been wanting a tank with tropheus and those in it for a while now. Figure at least a 150, bigger if I can. Man that would be one beauty of a tank.
Also very, very soon I hope, I should be getting some white calvus. Ive got my fingers crossed, agian, this really depends on the house right now. Sorry, I love my fish, but they will still be out there once we get settled into a house.
Oscar, you have so much enthusiasm for the hobby, which is very admirable, but what he was tring to point out is that you are tring to do so much with such a limited amount of space and funding that in a very short time you will be overwhelmed, and ultimatley set yourself up for failure. Nobody likes to fail, but its offen better to try and focus on one thing at a time rather than spead yourself so thin that none of your fish gets the attention they need. Pick one thing, and do it good. Pace yourself! I dont think that these fish are going to be going away anytime soon.