favorite cory?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
new york, ny
i'm looking to add some corys (3?) to a 10 gallon tank.  but don't know what kind.  they will be in there with a school of zebra danios and some white clouds.

the tank has no heater and varies from 78 degrees in summer to 72 degrees in winter.  i need some that are small, hardy (for a beginner) active and fun to watch.  i like the look of the pandas but have read that the peppered cory can adapt to cooler temperatures.

i'm also worried because the danios are such pigs and eat in little feeding frenzies, that there won't be any food getting to the bottom for the corys.  

what is your favorite cory under these conditions?

Oct 22, 2002

How many danios?  How many white clouds?  I like VooDoo's choices. I would add Paleatus also, though they might be a little bigger than anneaus and julii.  They should do fine feeding in your tank.  You can always throw in a sinking tablet once or or twice a week.  They really like shrimp pellets and can probably eat them faster than algae tabs.  Cuz those danios will come down to get what they can:-o.

Peace!  Don't overfeed:)



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
hey corys they'er all great.no no you need just one kind huh.ok here goes,based on you temp range the best choice is paleatus corys.they withstand cooler temps,although no fish should be subject to temp.fluctuations just get a heater or you'll just spend all winter fighting ick.i had a faulty heater last winter and it almost cost my fishes lives.on that note corys and any other scaleless fish for that matter,are sensitive to most medications.i tried a malichite green/formalin treatment at half dose on on of my corys once and it went wild trying to escape the medication,so keep that in mind.good luck and happy cory hunting